California Photographer


Bessie Young Photography Portraits

Prints Matter | New Product Announcement Coming in August

Prints Matter | New Product Announcement Coming in August

by Bessie Young Photography

Share your images with the world. - Bessie Young

As you all already know, I am a HUGE advocate of printing your pictures. It doesn't matter if you are a professional photographer, an amateur photographer, inspiring photographer, or a person wanting to document their life and family. It is truly important to print your images.

There is an epidemic in the photography world where everyone wants digital files. I hear this quite often: "I don't need any prints, I just the digital files". Now, I think the digital files are important as you need to be able to share your beautiful images on social media; however, they aren't the only important thing. Typically, what happens with digital files is they get put on a USB drive and shoved away in a drawer to never see the light of day again, until maybe one day you decide to reminisce about the past. Other than that, they are lost in the depths of your drawer. If you print your pictures you can create an album, hang them on the wall, put them up in your cube at work, etc. This way you see them every day and are reminded of your beautiful memories. If it is a family portrait you are reminded of the love you share between one another. Displaying your images on your wall is important. Share your images with the world, don't just let them sit on a thumb drive or somewhere lost on your computer. Plus, what happens when your computer crashes, or that thumb drive becomes corrupt? You lose everything. If you print your images, you will have them for generations to come.Prints Matter by Bessie Young PhotographPrints Matter by Bessie Young Photograph

If you are a professional, amateur photographer, or an inspiring photographer you need inspiration. Hang your pictures on your wall. You are a creative, and with that you need inspiration and motivation. This will help you come up with fun new ideas to photograph, fun new stylized shoots, or fun new places to visit. If we don't print your pictures, how can we expect our clients to want printed pictures?

Along with the fact that I think it is incredibly important to print your images, I also am constantly researching different ways to print images and different products to offer my customers. I am always looking at how to keep growing my business and making sure I offer the most high quality products around. I want my images to stand out among others. I have found a new product that I will be adding to my landscape pictures in my shop along with adding this product to my products lists as options for your portraits. This new product is Metal Prints. This is your beautiful images printed on metal! It is my newest obsession. I am so excited to be able to offer this product to you. The metal prints will be available at the end of August. Now, please understand that not all images will be available in metal as I believe there is an art to printing pictures. Some images are better on canvas, some better on print paper, and some better on metal. Have questions? Leave a comment in the comment section.

Make sure to watch the video (as seen on Youtube) to see what this new product is all about:


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Wishing you nothing but beautiful memories and a fabulous day!


